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Second Best Fantasy Page 2

  I’d met maybe three true peelers in my life, and they were all refuse on the side of the long road of broken love my life had been for many years. Several more years convinced me that, potential or not, no woman would ever be worth baring my soul to. True love was too painful, I had learned that much. Yet, every time Janine touched my hand casually from across the table, another door flew open, and I wanted to tell her more.

  “I have a few commitments here and need to hang around a while. Plus, I want to catch up with Joan, there’s been too much clamoring for us to talk much. What about you? I understand if you need to get out of here.”

  “Are you trying to get me to leave? Concerned I’ll be ‘Too Much Trouble’?”

  She blushed and looked shyly down at the table. “I didn’t think you knew who I was.”

  “I don’t,” I said. “But I’m not opposed to trying to find out.”

  Janine was from Long Island, but had recently acquired a place up in Brooklyn Heights. Apparently, the record label didn’t think that Janine Jordan and the Blue Is were a one hit wonder. I could work until I was seventy and never afford to even retire there in a one room rented condo, let alone own property. I was already living beyond my means in the village.

  She said, “I love my new home, but never get to spend much time there. When I come to the city I live in hotels.”

  I thought that may have been an invitation, but I couldn’t be sure. Even if it was, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to accept. It had been some time since I had met a woman that appealed to me both physically and intellectually. As much as I loved New York, 9

  city women were one big breed and predominantly untrue.

  There was something about Janine that was honest, and something else just a little bit sad. She intrigued me, and I couldn’t escape the novelty of being picked up by being asked about my tastes in literature. I was a little frightened of her. She was the sort of woman I would fall for if I allowed myself to.

  But I wasn’t about to. I pegged her as probably bi, which I usually avoided. Not that I’d never overlooked it before, but it was usually in lieu of one-nighters. It dawned on me that I was afraid because I wasn’t viewing her as a one-nighter. I was watching her and thinking what it would be like to date her. That was a bad sign for me, my history was proof that relationships were largely not in my cards of fortune, despite love or even commitment. I’d tried both, and more than once.

  So, as I listened to her speak I mentally switched gears to the low-down and dirty womanizer part of me, who thought it would be fun to fuck a singer. I was safer that way.

  Later on, she introduced me to Joan Orlean. She was as mesmerizing in person as she was through my sub-woofer speakers. She looked tired, and said she was looking forward to the end of the tour, but that was eight months away. The three of us small-talked for a while, and, I have to admit, being close to the two of them and sensing that there had been at least one sexual encounter between them really turned me on. I thought I was blushing, so I excused myself and retreated to the bar, where I ran into Jan, who until that moment I had forgotten all about.

  “Hey there, Maggie!”

  “Hey Jan, let me buy you a drink?”

  “Sure. I'm so glad you got in.”

  We talked about Joan and the greatness of such a versatile singer. I talked to Jan for over an hour, but I wasn’t really listening. I hung out, pretending to stay because of Jan, but it started getting late, and I wondered if I shouldn’t just give Janine a polite handshake and go home. Another hour whooshed by, Jan went home to her husband and kids, and I still stayed. A combination of wanting to be in the same room with Janine and Joan and my alcoholic demon tugging at my sleeve 10

  kept me chained to Avenue A Records. The drinks were getting to me, but hell, it was Saturday evening after all.

  I thought I would move on after saying goodbye and go pick up someone I had no interest in at all, but that was just an attempt to fool myself. I had a feeling of impending doom; I knew I would run into the flames whole-heartedly and without care.

  I felt as if I had been in that room sitting at the bar for days. I was spinning. I hated myself for having a heart that actually still functioned after so many years of broken glass in the roadway of my ill-fated love life. As always when I’d had enough to drink and on the verge of being honestly interested in someone, every ex I’ve had since I was fifteen came screaming into memory without remorse. One by one their faces rose up out of the dust in my mind like ancient phoenixes to remind me that, in the infamous wisdom of Led Zeppelin, “the soul of a woman was created below.” I was most certainly drunk and doomed, a disastrous combination.

  While I was nursing another gin and tonic (I’d lost count ages ago) Janine came to retrieve me from the bar.

  “Hey stranger, why so glum?”

  She was still filled with energy, not enough time to travel back and forth to the well as I had, allowing me to sink within myself and brood.

  “Life is a double edged sword, one of laughter one of pain…”

  “Forever cutting the heart asunder.”

  She finished my Dickinson quote without even so much as a flutter of eyelids.


  “Well, truth is beauty…”

  “Beauty truth.”

  My turn. I couldn’t remember anyone ever being able to play this game so well since my ex-fiancé. That hurt, but was inspiring, nonetheless.

  “Joan wants to go grab something to eat. Are you interested?”

  Was I interested? Not in dining, that was for sure. I was 11

  hungry, but the hunger in my loins was much more predominant. I remained silent, assuming it would be taken for a disgruntled ‘no’.

  “I think I know what you need. Don’t let it worry you, Joan and I have been blowing each other off since we were little kids.”

  She trotted away, exchanged a few polite words with Joan, and then went to a young guy in jeans and a T-shirt. They disappeared behind a row of CDs. Instinct told me she was making a “business transaction.” When she returned to me, I noticed for the first time her patchouli scent. I could drown in that smell. She took my hand and inserted a perfectly packaged eight ball of coke. She did indeed know what I needed. I was a drunk by trade, with marijuana as a comforting friend, but occasional recreational rich-kid drugs were a nice alternative.

  “Well, well,” I said. “How do you know I’m not a cop disguised as a square with a straight job in publishing?”

  “Because if you were, you wouldn’t have had to bribe Jack Kasper to get you in here tonight.” So she’d asked around. I was flattered but a little embarrassed.

  “I think Joan would go home with you. Want to change up your date for the evening? I wouldn’t hold it against you.”

  “Yes, but does Joan know Dickinson? Somehow I doubt it.”

  “How do you feel about silent films? ‘Nosferatu’ is at the art theater down the street. Plays all night.”

  She brushed a hand against my cheek and kissed me. I felt as if it lasted for eternity, and had that sensation of falling I knew all too well. I was about to complicate everything I had taken years and years to get under control. If thirty had been the luckiest year of my life, thirty-two was about to be my descent into the maelstrom.

  * * * *

  After the movie, we strolled around Tompkins Square Park and talked about the lack of biographical information available on Murnau. We hadn’t touched the coke and I switched to soda the moment we left Avenue A. I wanted to remember everything.


  Sitting on a park bench, Janine told me about how she had come to be the front woman for the Blue Is, who had already been an established rock blues band on the local tri-state area circuit.

  They weren’t getting radio play at all, and their manager had thrust Janine upon them in spite of their disdain. Much animosity ensued, but after their first live performance of “Too Much Trouble,” which was an original Janine piece, everything changed to a fairytale. Th
e boys in the band couldn’t deny Janine’s seduction of the audience, and the audience was how records were sold. However, much like The Doors of long ago, they were having difficulty capturing their live presence in a studio.

  I listened to her and mentally memorized every aspect of her physicality. Within hours, she became more and more beautiful to me and it scared the hell out of me. We got up to walk again, and came upon several musicians strumming their way through one whole half of the Beatles’ White album. Janine kept her hold on my arm and brought me down to the ground to sit with them in a semi-circle. A joint and a carafe of cheap sangria were making their way around and we each had a hit from both bottle and smoke. It was good quality weed for a bunch of struggling artists, they must have had a “regular at the park” discount.

  When the group reached “Blackbird” Janine launched into song with a voice as sweet as a morning dove. I fought back the screaming phoenixes and decided I would allow myself to fall after all. She was much too sweet to be another devil in my long list of devils wearing blue dresses. I eased into the twilight of the early hours, and reminded myself what a terrific enigma the city was, and I looked forward to peeling the layers away with Janine as I lost myself in that magical voice. I allowed myself to imagine a near future, complete with moonlight and dinners and long summer nights, my romantic soul ignited with possibility.

  More sangria went around. Janine lay cradled in my arms, singing along softly to a variety of seventies tunes, and occasionally craning upwards for those tender little kisses so typical of a new attraction to an unknown soul. I didn’t want the night to end, and tried to ignore the rising sun in hopes that I had some magical 13

  powers to conjure its delay. Sundays broke much too early. The minstrels dispersed one by one, leaving us to the deafening roar of morning church, synagogue, and grocery store traffic.

  “Take me to your castle, my sweet prince,” Janine purred.

  Glad to be home, I offered tea a-la Maggie; a combination of Japanese imported green tea laced with Crown Royal. Janine accepted, and went to examine my CD collection, which was the envy of all who knew me well enough to be invited to my apartment.

  She made some selections and loaded Aretha, Janis, and, of all things, Helen Reddy into my five-chamber spinner. I watched her longingly from the threshold between my kitchen and living room. She proceeded to my bookshelves, thumbed through a copy of Blake’s “Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience” and then plopped down on my well-worn life-sucker of a couch with Joan Nestle's “A Restricted Country.”

  I retreated to my bedroom to change; I’d been wearing the same clothes for way too many hours. I did my wardrobe switch, dabbed on some cologne, and returned to the living room with a Courtney Love T-shirt and plaid lounge pants in my arms as a humble offering to Janine.

  “I have to go to Los Angeles on Wednesday,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Okay. That left me at least two whole days with her, barring any prior commitments. I’d decided hours ago to take Trish up on her offer and secure a few days off. Synchronicity has always had a way of creeping into my life on a regular basis.

  “Feel like being caretaker for a while?” she said with upraised arms.

  I carefully undressed her, exploring her body as I went in time to Aretha crooning “The House that Jack Built.” She was nearly perfect for her height, more than I could claim about my own body. I noticed several interesting birthmarks on her midriff.

  “The belt of Orion,” she sighed, “Makes me feel cosmically connected from time to time.”

  I didn’t want to rush into sex, since I sensed this was not the last I would see of Janine Jordan. I dressed her in Courtney 14

  and pants with the same care as I had undressed her. Every kiss along the way was different, in that searching, boundary-testing sort of way.

  We didn’t exchange words for a long time. She lay between my thighs and I caressed her shoulders under the T-shirt as she read every passage I had highlighted in the book.

  Occasionally she would read something twice, and then look up at me and gaze into my eyes without clarity, only trying to guess why particular words carried so much meaning for me. Had she asked, I would’ve confessed to nearly anything, but I suspected she enjoyed trying to figure me out without guidance.

  When she’d read all of my favorite passages from cover to cover, she laid the book on my coffee table and pushed up my shirt to expose my double Ds. She encircled each nipple with nibbles and licks, pushing against my inner thighs with her weight. I was dreadfully tired and still afraid of my overwhelming emotions. But sometimes, actually often, body overrides mind, and I responded to her touch by slipping the lounge pants down over her ass. I felt the creaminess of her and wanted to melt into her arms without retreat. She remained on top, sucking on my neck and moving in rhythm against my open palm. Within minutes, she came, an automatic lifting to my ego of sexual expertise.

  “I told you that you seemed like my kind of woman.”

  She smiled up at me and let her hands trail over my sweatpants and the throbbing clit beneath them. I wanted her to fuck me, but knew it was inappropriate, given my state of mind. I was ruminating on a past not often dwelt upon; I couldn't focus and be in the moment with her, so the moment would have to wait.

  It didn’t help matters that Helen was belting out “Angie Baby” and all I could think of was a short story based on the song I’d written when I was nineteen in my first creative writing class.

  Her touch felt so good, I had an idiotic voice in my head that wanted to say “I love you” to a woman I didn’t know, a voice that crops up at the most inopportune moments because the brain so often confuses lust for undying love. Thank God I never listened to it.


  “In time,” I said, and was abashed at sounding so sure of myself. “I mean, surely this isn’t the last time I’ll have this moment? If it is, by all means proceed.”

  “If you’ll allow me the pleasure, I would like nothing more than to spend more time with you. I’ve been looking for a muse, you know,” Janine said.

  “Well, I’m not sure I can live up to muse status. I have a hard time inspiring even myself, let alone someone else. But I’m a willing servant, I’ll do my best.”

  I was grinning from ear to ear.

  She said, “Maybe the roles will reverse. I saw a lot of empty notebooks over on your shelf.”

  Maybe. I could’ve written at least twenty pages that night alone.

  Typically, on a day I would wish for endless rain and thunderstorms, the sun pushed aside my bay window curtains and streamed in with harsh resonance. Despite the elements, I fell into a deep sleep with my arms around a woman I would soon discover would be the root of both my blackest and most brilliant inspirations.


  Chapter 2

  I’ve always had a philosophy that you can gauge how interested you are in someone by what you wake up and think about the next morning.

  Sometimes, you wake up groggy and can only think about your immediate responsibilities for the day, or wonder if your mom calls will she sense you’re with someone, or just plain wishing that whoever is lying next to you would wake up and get the hell out.

  When I woke up the next morning on the couch with Janine, I smiled. My auto re-play had gone on all night long, and I couldn’t help internally singing “There’s a rose in Brooklyn Heights” along with Aretha’s rendition of “Spanish Harlem.” That was followed by a strong desire to cook her an extravagant breakfast, and I took a mental inventory of what was available in my fridge. Despite my nightlife, I was home often and well stocked. I went out to drink; my eating was a private matter.

  You can also measure the other party’s interest in you by their “Wow, so you’re whom I had sex with last night” behavior.

  Janine slept for another hour and a half after I maneuvered my way out from underneath her. That meant she was comfortable and in no hurry to get back to her responsibilities either. Not everybody l
ikes food the moment they arise, so I made coffee and sat in my favorite leather chair and watched her sleep for a long time. For lack of a better cliché, she looked so innocent asleep. I gathered it had probably been a while since her last restful slumber. She probably dreamed about billboard charts and audience members in the first five rows.

  I vaguely remembered her mentioning LA on Wednesday, but chose not to think about it. Maybe after Tuesday I would never see her again; maybe after this morning. Perhaps she would wake up, change into her clothes from the night before, and say, “Hey thanks, I had a great time. I’ll call you when I’m in town.” I hoped that wouldn’t be true, but I didn’t like to set myself up for disappointment. I prepared for the worst and started re-reading I Was Amelia Earhart.


  Janine woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I thought about letting the machine get it, but decided it might be, oh, I don’t know, Ed McMahon telling me I’d won a million dollars.

  It was my mother. She just called to say “hi” and remind me my niece’s birthday was next week and had I bought a card yet, she wanted some new Winnie the Pooh game thing if I had the time to shop, blah, blah, blah. I loved my mother but she sure had lousy timing. I talked to her while roaming around with the cordless, a little embarrassed. My mom brought me up to date on a variety of family matters and gossip, while I watched Janine choose a coffee mug from my rack. I was tickled when she chose the dolphin one with the tail for its handle.

  I chatted for a while with Mom while Janine went back to the couch with her black coffee, stopping on her way at the bookshelf again, this time snatching The Complete Poems of e.e. cummings.

  I swear my heart skipped a beat as I silently recited, “Your slightest look easily will unclose me…” I wanted suddenly and violently to make love to her until she came to those words inside my head. Then I realized I had actually thought and formed the words “make love to” instead of “fuck” or “bang” or even “have sex with,” something I rarely conceptualized.